Thursday 24 September 2009

travel plans.

 went surfing last night at Saunton. Myself, Chris Holmes, and Actual Dave sat out back and had some overhead fun. Dave got some air and is now therefore rad air specialist. Andy Murray came for his first white water session and stood up!

Sarah Strack made it safe and sound to Chile for the start of her 6 month trip. At least i think she did. Here she is:

That got me thinking about my own travel plans rather than working. With the help of Hoopstain, I narrowed down the countries on my hit list to:

Possibly Oz / NZ (but that maybe subject to change)
Nepal and Tibet

When I have worked out an itinerary ill post it, with some nice pictures of each place on the list.

Have a good time Sarah. Don’t talk to anyone as dodgy as me.

Monday 21 September 2009

Dune Jumping World Championships

I went surfing on Sunday. It was small, but got to a couple of feet on the pushing tide, and wave count was high, so all in all it was a good session. We held the first annual dune jumping championships, the line up was myself, Jules Tabbererrerrer, Actual Dave, Holmesy and Paul. Then we went to see District 9. Today, I’m fucked.

This is Andy Murray. The latest addition to the rad crew,  bitten by the surfing bug on Thursday night when we paddled out into a very dark and moody Dawlish Warren (which works only a few times a year). Hats off to him though, he paddled out back on his first time, when a lot of people I can think of really wouldn’t have. And he bought a Ripcurl Ultimate Elasto 5/4/3 at Tids shop today. Watch this space.

Not too long ago I was seeing an old flame, Sarah Jory. She plays guitar for Van Morrison.  I kind of blew her out. It was the right thing to do at the time, but today, for some reason, I was feeling kind of bad about it. So I just dropped her a text to say hi. She hasn’t replied yet.

As an afterthought, don’t buy far king surf wax. It’s shit.

Wednesday 16 September 2009

on wednesdays im a PESSIMIST

Today I am pig sick. There are a few varied reasons for this state of my wellbeing.
1.       Its sunny and there is surf
2.       I have no transportation
3.       I am at work
4.       I am nearly 40
Unfortunately mother (my local break at Saunton Sands on the north coast of Devon) is producing 2.5 ft of nice clean fun with an offshore wind today. But my usual surf buddies either have to work, or are lesbians. 'So im not going to be able to surf' (that was a Gerry Lopez impression). 
I can’t go by myself because I have no car. Have no car because I am waiting for my divorce settlement which is taking tooooooo long. On the upside, I like being divorced.
Yes I am at work. No I am not working. Im writing this blog.
I do not want to be 40. I can’t think of anything worse (except seeing certain females in my department naked). People who are over 40 should be shot. Or rounded up and put on Jersey.
One more thing. A mate was on the one show last night but diddn't turn up to the studio. Ergo he did not give my mobile number to Christine Bleakley and tell her that I was much better looking than that chap with the big ears and rubber lips that she presents with. All because he didd not want to play his saxamaphone with Jamie Oliver on drums. This is a very selfish attitude Raphael. But I forgive you. Its still a bummer though.
Look at these pictures and listen to this music. If you don’t have Spotify, shame on you. You Will probably have never heard of Cathy Battistessa. I can assure you she is very nice, and has a fantastic soul.
She could have had my mobile number right now.
Cathy Battistessa