Friday 11 December 2009

anchor point and killers

I am off to Morocco on the 5th of Jan. I have had enough of getting brain freeze at north Devon so I’m flying in to Marrakesh and then driving over the mountains to Banana Beach. From there i have some of Europe’s best right hander’s to surf. Bring it on. THere is a good possibility that instead of a lone wolf kind of trip, aka the drifter, Sarah Strack may join me on my travels. Which is most excellent. She speaks fluent french, i dont, but morrocans do, so she can do the translating and ill teach her to surf. I think thats fair.

Oh. I bought a new office pet. Here he is. He is a bit retarded which is cool.


He basically has two jobs to do. Be super cool, as a rad crew elite pet should always be, and to catch crickets with his sticky tongue. At the former, he is good. Real good. At the latter, he is absolutely pants. What a windowlicker.

We can’t decide on a name. Possibilities include:

Flat Eric

Suggest away.

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